게임 연재 및 공략

원신 공략 정보 초보자 추천 전반적인 캐릭터 육성 가이드 라인

뱀선생게임 2022. 5. 3. 21:03

원신 공략 정보 초보자 추천 전반적인 캐릭터 육성 가이드 라인


안녕하세요. 이전에 유튜브에서 보고 참고하고 있는 육성 가이드라인 그림이 있어 공유드립니다.
육성 시 캐릭터 강해지는 우선순위? 라고 보시면 될 것 같아요.

기본적으로 무기 - 특성 - 성유물 - 캐릭터레벨 순으로 올리는 걸 추천하는 것 같습니다.


그리고 저는 메인딜러 최우선으로 이 가이드따라 키우는 중이고요.

많은 분들이 고여계시지만(?) 혹시라도 시작한 지 얼마 안된 분들에게는 도움이 될 것 같아서요 ㅎㅎ

약어나 단어는 제가 아는 선에서 정리하자면..
WL: 월드 레벨
AL: 모험 레벨
arts: 성유물
Plume: 깃털 성유물
Ascend character: 캐릭터 돌파
Talents: 캐릭터 특성

혹시 부족한 부분은 덧글로 보충해주시면 초보분들에게는 더 도움이 될 것 같습니다.


The TL;DR of the infographic is basically:

Focus on building one character at a time (this is super important)

Weapons are by far the biggest contributor to your overall damage

Level up your talents (usually the most commonly neglected part of many builds)

Text version (in case the infographic is too small to read, or you just want to copy the plain text):


WL 0 | AR 1-15
Level weapon to 20
Enhance Plume to +4 (3-star rarity)
Level character to 20
Enhance other artifacts to +4 (3-star rarity, look for ATK %, DMG %, or Crit Rate %)
Ascend character to I


WL 0/1 | AR 16-24
Level weapon to 40
Level character to 40
Enhance Plume to +8
Enhance other artifacts to +8


WL 2 | AR 25-29
Level weapon to 50
Replace Plume with a 4-star (and enhance to +8) - feel free to replace other artifacts with higher rarities as you get them
Ascend character to II
Level talents to 2 (only the talents that matter / deal damage)
Level character to 50


WL 3 | AR 30-34
Level weapon to 60
Ascend character to III
Level talents to 4
Enhance artifacts to +12
Level character to 60


WL 4 | AR 35-39
Level weapon to 70
Ascend character to IV
Level talents to 6
Enhance Plume to +16
Level character to 70


WL 5 | AR 40-44
Level weapon to 80
Replace all artifacts with 4-stars (and enhance them to +16)
Ascend character to V
Level character to 80


WL 6 | AR 45-49
Level talents to 8
Replace plume with a 5-star (and enhance to +20)
Replace all artifacts with 5-stars (and enhance to +16 or 20) - spend excess Resin on artifact domains from this point on


WL 7+ | AR 50+
Level weapon to 90
Enhance all artifacts to +20 if you haven't already
Continue farming artifact domains if you haven't found the pieces you want yet


These are considered "optional" because they give relatively small damage increases for a lot of Resin expended. If you have other characters that you need to build, I would recommend building them first before getting to these. That having been said, I still highly recommend doing these for your strongest or top 2 damage dealers, since all 3 combined will give you roughly a 15% damage increase, which is nothing to scoff at.

Ascend character to VI
Level talents to 9
Level character to 90

출처 : https://www.clien.net/service/board/cm_werule/16930615
