게임 연재 및 공략/하스스톤

[뱀선생] 템포스톰#10 컨트롤 주술사 덱, 멀리건 정보

뱀선생게임 2016. 8. 27. 22:01

[뱀선생] 템포스톰#10 컨트롤 주술사 덱, 멀리건 정보

템포스톰 #10에서 3티어로 분류된 컨트롤 주술사(쓰랄) 덱.

승천한 할라질 황금 전설 카드가 있기 때문에 라그나로스만 만든다면 한번 돌려보고 싶은 덱임.

고대의 영혼으로 스탯 좋은 도발 카드나 라그나로스에 버프 주면 개꿀각? ㅋ

요즘 침묵이 적어서 꽤나 껄끄럽다고 함.

컨트롤 주술사 덱 카드 리스트

멀리건(시작 손패 결정) 정보

드루이드 멀리건

천리안, 파괴의 정기, 파멸의 예언자, 사술

사냥꾼 멀리건

용암 충격, 번개 폭풍, 파괴의 정기, 사술, 파멸의 예언자

마법사 멀리건

파멸의 예언자, 번개 폭풍, 파괴의 정기

성기사 멀리건

파멸의 예언자, 선조의 지혜, 천리안

사제 멀리건

선조의 지혜, 천리안, 파멸의 예언자

도적 멀리건

사술, 파멸의 예언자, 천리안

주술사 멀리건

파멸의 예언자, 번개 폭풍, 파괴의 정기

흑마법사 멀리건

번개폭풍, 용암충격, 파괴의 정기, 파멸의 예언자

전자 멀리건

파멸의 예언자, 천리안, 파괴의 정기, 사술


This deck plays in a far different style than other Shaman decks that are popular at the moment. Instead of having tempo or simply aggression as your win condition, this deck takes a control style, as the name suggests. The deck is original, and to put it simply, pretty cool, but it’s more of a gimmick than a competitive ladder deck.

META (AUGUST 24, 2016)

Control Shaman stays in Tier 3 this week, but does see some light now in the NA Preliminary with Pascoa reaching the top 8 piloting the deck. NA only including the first wing of One Night in Karazhan is something to note when taking this into consideration – the deck does not play any cards from the wing. The new wing of Karazhan also didn’t add anything new to Control Shaman, but it still seems to be very good against the aggressive decks of the format.

I would have predicted Shaman maybe becoming stronger in the meta if it can withstand the new upgrades to Hunter, and so far, it doesn’t look too good. Shaman just has the ability to apply pressure without committing too much to the board, and Kindly Grandmother and Barnes both provide ways to stick and reload the board as well. Deadly Shot is a card that has been cut or has gone down to one copy, so that is a little saving grace in the matchup, as investing tons of mana into something dies to a 3-mana card was usually back breaking.

This deck is not necessarily the best deck to climb the ladder, but it is very good against aggro and is a ton of fun to play. 

META (AUGUST 16, 2016)

Control Shaman comes in yet again at Tier 3, but I wouldn't say that is a bad deck by any means. It didn’t get any boosts from One Night in Karazhan, but it has had a good showing at the European Preliminary by taking Georgec to Top 8.

The deck does have some of some of the best matchups against aggressive decks, since you have efficient area-of-effect clears, a lot of taunts, and a giant heal. I think it shines most in a tournament lineup in which you are trying to target aggressive decks, specifically Zoolock. Since Zoo is a deck that heavily revolves around taking the board, having efficient AoEs help lessen the forces of Zoo so your big taunts are difficult to deal with. The ladder, on the other hand, can be a rough one, since there are many decks like Druid and Hunter that can apply a ton of pressure without having to overextend into your AoE.

I would recommend playing this deck to climb if you are facing many Zoolocks and aggressive decks in general. I would also like to mention that the deck is extremely fun, so that's an added bonus. 
