[뱀선생] 하스스톤 | 템포스톰#13 정규전 18위 | 야수드루 덱 정보
템포스톰#13에서 정규전 18위 3티어로 분류된 야수 드루이드.
엄청 쎈 덱으로 분류는 안됐지만 가루가 얼마 안들어서 퀘스트 용으로 좋은것 같음 ㅋ
야수 드루이드(Beast Druid) 덱 카드 리스트
멀리건(시작 손패 결정)
Innervate, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, and Druid of the Saber
정신 자극, 핀리 므르글턴 경, 살아있는 뿌리, 마력 깃든 까마귀, 칼날이빨의 드루이드
Druid of the Saber, Innervate, Living Roots, and Enchanted Raven
Druid of the Saber, Innervate, Enchanted Raven, and Living Roots
Druid of the Saber, Innervate, Enchanted Raven, Living Roots, and Sir Finley Mrrgglton
Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Innervate, Druid of the Saber, Enchanted Raven, and Living Roots
Innervate, Druid of the Saber, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, and Enchanted Raven
Innervate, Druid of the Saber, Living Roots, and Enchanted Raven
vs 어그로(초반 덱)
5코 하늘빛 비룡 -> 2코 천벌
vs 컨트롤(후반 덱)
3코 랩터 탈것 -> 8코 불의 군주 라그나로스
Beast Druid is a heavy board-centric deck that revolves around getting early board control and snowballing it into a win, with cards like Savage Roar and Power of the Wild. Early board presence like Enchanted Raven and Druid of the Saber combined with Mark of Y'Shaarj gives Beast Druid early tempo to start. Sticky minions, such as Mounted Raptors and Stranglethorn Tiger, and flood minion Violet Teacher in combination with cheap spells, allow this deck to snowball into a strong mid-range board advantage. Then, finish off your opponent with Druid of the Claw, Savage Roar, and/or Swipe.
Beast Druid stays at the top of Tier 3 this week. Lacking draw and removal spells, Beast Druid has to stay ahead on board for value trade and tempo snowball. Compared to Tier 1 decks like Aggro Shaman and Dragon Warrior, Beast Druid has almost no comeback ability and very little damage output if losing board.
Menagerie Warden with Stealth or Deathrattle Beasts on board allows Beast Druid to gain a huge advantage on turn 6, but this card, as a typically win-more card, cannot help you when you are far behind the board. The new card The Curator fits this deck perfectly with possibility to draw 2 to 3 cards, with Sir Finley Mrrgglton as the Murloc card. It is worth mentioning you usually want to keep Druid hero power when facing aggressive and tempo decks, and Sir Finley Mrrgglton should be only kept against control decks.
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