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[뱀선생] 템포스톰#15 정규전 추천덱 12위 야수 드루이드 정보

게임 연재 및 공략/하스스톤

by 뱀선생게임 2016. 10. 28. 18:21



[뱀선생] 템포스톰#15 정규전 추천덱 12위 야수 드루이드 정보(덱, 멀리건, 등등)

나름 돌려볼만한 제작 가격(가루)의 야수 드루이드 덱.

템포스톰#15에서는 3티어 12위로 평가됨.

그냥 초반부터 코스트에 맞는 하수인카드를 내서 필드를 잡는 덱인것 같음.

예전 치가 떨리던 파마기사의 로수붐티의 하위버전 느낌.

5코 발톱의 드루이드 or 가시덤불 호랑이

6코 박물관 감시자

이 콤보가 상당히 강력해 보임.

야수 드루이드 덱 카드 리스트

멀리건(시작 손패 결정) 정보

0코 정신 자극

1코 살아있는 뿌리, 마력 깃든 까마귀

2코 다르나서스 지원자, 칼날이빨의 드루이드


Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, Innervate, Druid of the Saber, and Darnassus Aspirant


Innervate, Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, Darnassus Aspirant, and Druid of the Saber


Innervate, Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, Darnassus Aspirant, and Druid of the Saber


Innervate, Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, Darnassus Aspirant, and Druid of the Saber


Innervate, Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, Darnassus Aspirant, and Druid of the Saber


Innervate, Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, Darnassus Aspirant, and Druid of the Saber


Innervate, Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, Darnassus Aspirant, and Druid of the Saber


Innervate, Living Roots, Enchanted Raven, Darnassus Aspirant, and Druid of the Saber


Innervate, Enchanted Raven, Darnassus Aspirant, and Druid of the Saber


Beast Druid is a heavy board-centric deck that revolves around getting early board control and snowballing it into a win, with cards like Savage Roar and Power of the Wild. Early board presence like Enchanted Raven and Druid of the Saber combined with Mark of Y'Shaarj gives Beast Druid early tempo to start. Sticky minions, such as Mounted Raptors and Stranglethorn Tiger, and flood minion Violet Teacher in combination with cheap spells, allow this deck to snowball into a strong mid-range board advantage. Then, finish off your opponent with Druid of the Claw, Savage Roar, and/or Swipe.

META (OCT. 27, 2016)

Although Beast Druid wasn't affected by the recent nerfs, it doesn't find itself improving its position in the meta. The deck has capability to outright win the game by turn 3-4 with a solid start, but its inherent inconsistency has prevented more players from playing it at high ranks.

However, recently, Dwayana managed to get high ranks with a Beast Druid list teched for control by adding in Fandral Staghelm to get better value off of Choose One effect minions, such as Druid of the Flame and Druid of the Claw. Even then, the deck doesn't seem powerful enough to contest the tier 1 / tier 2 decks, such as Mid-Range Shaman and even Secret Hunter.

The deck's strength comes from its relatively good matchup against other Mid-Range Druids, such as Malygos Druid and Token Druid, but those decks are so good that they can often steal wins from any deck. Due to this, Beast Druid finds itself at the top of tier 3.


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